/ Sectors - 
Hotels & Leisure

Hotels & Leisure

Cotswold Fire have the expertise and experience to protect your hotel and leisure facilities from a blaze.

Their fire protection range includes everything you need, including passive protections all the way up to complete glazing solutions for existing buildings or in new construction projects where it is mandatory by law that an additional layer of defence be installed against any potential fires that may break out on top of what already exists at these types of establishments.

We provide a comprehensive services covering both preventive measures as well as remediation after something happens so there's no such thing as too much when it comes to protecting a property.

The challenge

Fires are a major concern for businesses, and as one of the most 'at risk' sectors in terms of fire safety management policies are essential to keep people safe. Good policy should ensure that fires will be unlikely to occur; if they do happen they can quickly be contained or extinguished with minimal damage done; and finally, staff members will have an easy escape route from premises during any emergency situation.

The importance of passive fire protection

Fire safety is paramount. It's important to ensure that in the event of a fire, people can escape from the building and not be hurt or even killed by it. Secondly, if there was an actual worst case scenario situation where everything caught on fire we would want our buildings and other assets within them saved as much as possible- after all they aren't things you get back! To protect both human life and property fires need to be kept under control so endangering either becomes less likely

Fires can spread quickly across an entire building if there is no effective way of containing the fire. Without a proper containment unit, this could result in lives being lost and property destroyed.

Make an Enquiry

If you’d like to discuss your Fire Door and Fire Stopping requirements please get in touch

/ Services

Consistently delivering accredited passive fire protection
