/ Sectors - 
Listed & Heritage Buildings

Listed & Heritage Buildings

Ensure that your historic buildings stay safe from fire. Fire is the most destructive hazard to buildings, capable of destroying a whole property in mere hours. Not only does this risk threaten human life and an iconic structure's history but it also robs us all of our cultural heritage for future generations. Even areas not engulfed by the flames are seriously damaged by smoke and water due to damage from the blaze and efforts by fire fighters.

The fire can spread very quickly and without passive fire containment systems, people could lose their lives and the listed building and it's artefacts could be lost indefinitely.

The challenge

Listed buildings are often complicated spaces with unique features created by builders and architects at that time, this makes passive fire protection incredible challenging. There is a difficult trade of: ensuring the building and its contents are safe and secure, or ensuring the beauty and architectural importance stays unsullied by potentially detracting retrofitted passive fire installations. Cotswold Fire have years of experience balancing these to factors, to ensure that both aspects are maintained.

The importance of passive fire protection

For centuries, historic buildings have been constructed with completely different standards for fire safety. The materials they are made from often make them easy to ignite and spread fires quickly through the building's interior spaces.

The abandoned buildings are now used and occupied in ways very different from their original purpose, with modern installations and equipment fitted into many of them. Without the right level of protection these structures leave themselves open to fire which can potentially lead to its destruction.

Make an Enquiry

If you’d like to discuss your Fire Door and Fire Stopping requirements please get in touch

/ Services

Consistently delivering accredited passive fire protection
